Código Acelerómetro para Codewarrior 10.6

De Wikitronica
Revisión del 18:30 22 jun 2016 de AriannaG (Discusión | contribuciones) (Recibir caracter)

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Descripción general

Descripción de funciones

Inicialización de periféricos


El módulo ICS (Internal Clock Source) maneja las diferentes opciones para la fuente de reloj. Tiene siete modos de operación: FEI, FEE, FBI, FBILP, FBE, FBELP, y stop. En este caso se trabajará con el modo por defecto FEI.

Para inicilizar el ICS deben modificarse tres de sus registros:

ICSC1: ICS Control Register 1


ICSC2: ICS Control Register 2


ICSSC: ICS Status and Control


Rutina de inicialización

#define ICSC1_FEI 0x04
#define ICSC2_FEI 0x06
#define ICSSC_FEI 0x80

void ICS_FEI(void) {
: if (NVICSTRM != 0xFF) 
::ICSTRM = 0xAD;
:while (ICSC1_CLKS != ICSSC_CLKST) {}




Rutina de Inicialización
void InitKBI(void) {
// Enable KBI1P[3:2] as interrupt
  KBI1SC = 0b00000110;
/*               ||||
                 |||+---- KBIMOD = KBI detection mode: 0=edge only
                 ||+----- KBIE   = KBI int enable: 1=enabled
                 |+------ KBACK  = KBI int acknowledge: 1=clr IRQF
                 +------- KBF    = KBI flag


void InitSCI(word baud) {

  SCI1BD = baud;  // set baud


void IIC_configuration (void) {
  IIC2F = 0x90;         
  IIC2C1  = 0xC0;      

Funciones para la transmisión y recepción de datos

La función RecChar obtiene uno a unos los caracteres enviados a tráves del protocolo IIC desde el registro SCI1D. De igual forma, las funciones SendChar y SendMsg utilizan este registro, descomponen en caracteres el mensaje y lo envían uno a uno.

Los registros utilizados por estas funciones son:

SCIxC2: SCI Control Register 2 SCIxC2.png SCIxS1: SCI Status Register 1SCIxS1.png

SCIxD: SCI Data Register SCIxD.png

Recibir caracter

char RecChar(void) {
  byte rec_char;

  if (SCI1S1_RDRF)  // Si el buffer de transmisión esta lleno
: rec_char = SCI1D; // Limpio el buffer
  SCI1C2_RE = 1;    //Habilito la transmisión
  while(!SCI1S1_RDRF){  };// Espero hasta que el buffer no esté vacío
  rec_char = SCI1D; // Obtengo el caracter enviado
  SendChar((char) rec_char);// Reenvío el caracter
  return (char) SCI1D;

Enviar caracter

void SendChar(char s_char) {

SCI1C2 = 0x08;    // enable Tx
while(!SCI1S1_TDRE){ }
SCI1D = (byte) s_char;   // 2nd half of TDRE clear procedure
} //end SendChar

Enviar mensaje

void SendMsg(char msg[]) {
  byte i=0;
  char nxt_char;

  SCI1C2 = 0x08;    // enable Tx
  nxt_char = msg[i++];
  while(nxt_char != 0x00) {
   SCI1D = (byte) nxt_char; // 2nd half of TDRE clear procedure
   nxt_char = msg[i++];
  } //end while((SCI1D
} //end SendMsg

Conversión de datos

word hex2bcd(word hex){
byte dec[4],i;
word bcd;

for (i=0;i<4;i++){
dec[i] = (byte) (hex%10);
hex = (word) (hex/10);

if (hex>0){
bcd=(word)((word)(dec[3]<<12) + (word)(dec[2]<<8) + (dec[1]<<4) + dec[0]);
return bcd;
} //end hex2bcd
byte asc2byte(char n_asc) {
byte n;

n = (byte)(n_asc - 0x30);      //convert from ascii to int
if(n > 0x09)           // if num is $a or larger...
n -= 0x07;           // ...sub $7 to correct
if(n > 0x0f)           // if lower case was used...
n -= 0x20;           // ...sub $20 to correct
if(n > 0x0f)           // if non-numeric character...
n = 0x00;            // ...default to '0'
return n;
} //end asc2num
word asc2word(byte n_asc[2]) {
word n,n2;

// assumes n_asc[0] is MSB, n_asc[1] is LSB
n = (word)(n_asc[0] - 0x30);   //convert from ascii to int
if(n > 0x09)           // if num is $a or larger...
n -= 0x07;           // ...sub $7 to correct
if(n > 0x0f)           // if lower case was used...
n -= 0x20;           // ...sub $20 to correct
if(n > 0x0f)           // if non-numeric character...
n = 0x00;            // ...default to '0'
n = (word)(n<<8);              // shift into high byte
n2 = (word)(n_asc[1] - 0x30);  //convert from ascii to int
if(n2 > 0x09)          // if num is $a or larger...
n2 -= 0x07;          // ...sub $7 to correct
if(n2 > 0x0f)          // if lower case was used...
n2 -= 0x20;          // ...sub $20 to correct
if(n2 > 0x0f)          // if non-numeric character...
n2 = 0x00;           // ...default to '0'
n += n2;               //
return n;
} //end asc2word
char * byte2asc(byte num, byte base) {
byte n;

if (base){
} //end if (base)
n_str[0] = (byte)((n>>0x04)+0x30);  // convert MSN to ascii
if(n_str[0]>0x39)           // if MSN is $a or larger...
n_str[0]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[1] = (byte)((n&0x0f)+0x30);   // convert LSN to ascii
if(n_str[1]>0x39)           // if LSN is $a or larger...
n_str[1]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[2] = 0x00;            // add line feed
return  (char *) n_str;
} //end byte2asc
char * word2asc(word num, byte base) {
word n;

if (base){
} //end if (base)

n_str[0] = (byte)((n>>12)+0x30);    // convert MSN to ascii
if(n_str[0]>0x39)           // if MSN is $a or larger...
n_str[0]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[1] = (byte)(((n>>8)&0x0f)+0x30);   // convert 2nd MSN to ascii
if(n_str[1]>0x39)           // if LSN is $a or larger...
n_str[1]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[2] = (byte)(((n>>4)&0x0f)+0x30);   // convert 2nd MSN to ascii
if(n_str[2]>0x39)           // if LSN is $a or larger...
n_str[2]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[3] = (byte)((n&0x0f)+0x30);   // convert 2nd MSN to ascii
if(n_str[3]>0x39)           // if LSN is $a or larger...
n_str[3]+=0x07;           // ...add $7 to correct
n_str[4] = 0x00;    // add line feed
return  (char *) n_str;

} //end word2asc


void ReadAcceleration(void){
  byte i;
  signed int temp;

    temp = IIC_Rec_Data[i] & 0x3F;  
    if(IIC_Rec_Data[i] & 0x20){
       temp |= 0xFFC0;                                
       temp += 32;
       IIC_Converted_Data[i] = temp;
      IIC_Converted_Data[i] = temp + 32;
void ShowAcceleration (void)
  word SampleCNT;
  byte j,k;   
  ADCSC1 = 0x01;                 
  x.reading[samp]  = (dword)( IIC_Converted_Data[0] <<8);
  ADCSC1 = 0x08;                 
  y.reading[samp]  = (dword)( IIC_Converted_Data[1] <<8);
  ADCSC1 = 0x09;                 
  z.reading[samp]  = (dword)( IIC_Converted_Data[2] <<8);
  StartTPM(0);   //0 = TPM prescaler = /2

    switch (mode){
      case filter: filter_data();   break;
      case avg   : avg_data();      break;
      default    : copy_data();
  } else {
  SampleCNT = StopTPM();
  if (SampleCNT<0x0100) {

  // Display Acceleration
  // Shift array of results if we hit max
  if (samp >= max-1) {
    for (j=0;j<max-1;j++){
      x.result[j]  = x.result[j+1];
      x.reading[j] = x.reading[j+1];
      y.result[j]  = y.result[j+1];
      y.reading[j] = y.reading[j+1];
      z.result[j]  = z.result[j+1];
      z.reading[j] = z.reading[j+1];
    samp = max-1;
  } else {
  } //end if (i => max) 

Funciones del Maestro

void Master_Read_and_Store(void) {
  IIC_Rec_Data[rec_count++] = IIC2D; 
void Master_Write_MMA7660_register(byte transbytes) {
  last_byte = 0;                    // Initialize variables to 0
	count = 0;
  bytes_to_trans = transbytes;       
  if (transbytes == 0) return; 
  IIC2C1_TX = 1;                    // Set TX bit for Address cycle
  IIC2C1_MST = 1;                   // Set Master Bit to generate a Start
  IIC2D = mma7660[count++];         // Send first byte (should be 7-bit address + R/W bit)    
void Master_Read_MMA7660_register(byte transbytes, byte recbytes) {

  rec_count = 0;                    // Initialize variables to 0
  last_byte = 0;                    
	count = 0;
	repeat_start_sent = 0;
  bytes_to_trans = transbytes;      
  num_to_rec = recbytes;
  if (transbytes == 0) return;  
  IIC2C1_TXAK = 0;
  IIC2C1_TX = 1;                    // Set TX bit for Address cycle
  IIC2C1_MST = 1;                   // Set Master Bit to generate a Start
  reading_mma7660_reg = 1;
  IIC2D = mma7660[count++];         // Send first byte (should be 7-bit address + R/W bit)    